首先我们先明确一下重修的定义:重修是指重新修读和你之前修读过的课程的课程代码一样的课程。只要课号一样,就认定为重修,或者叫课程覆盖。(如果课程号不一样,那叫课程替代,我们会在下文继续讨论)交大目前的成绩系统,如果不做大的修改的话 ...
With its longstanding history, Wuhan has been an important city since the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, and the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period. Panlong City is one of the oldest cities in ...
Xiangyang is rich in cultural relics and gardens. For example, Mountain Longzhong in the west of the city is the place where old tales about the “Three Visits to the Hut” and “Long Zhong ...
关于印发《杨浦区持续优化生活垃圾全程分类体系工作方案》的通知 2024-11-26关于2025年崇明区城乡居民基本医疗保险有关事项的通知 2024-11-25市规划资源局关于开展长江口中华鲟国际重要湿地自然资源确权登记的通告 2024-11-21关于印发《金山区系统化全域推进海绵 ...