为探究抑郁症相关机制及寻找新靶点,安徽中医药大学 Ping Cheng 等人开展 mPFC DCC 与 CaMKII + 神经元兴奋在雄性小鼠行为绝望中作用的研究。发现二者关联及相关信号通路,为理解抑郁症发病机制和临床治疗提供新方向,值得一读。 安徽中医药大学新安医学与中药 ...
Dendritic localization of the α subunit of Ca 2+ /calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (αCaMKII) mRNA in CNS neurons requires its 3′ untranslated region (3′UTR). We investigated this ...
The characteristics of perforated synapses are consistent with this scenario. That CaMKII is also an essential trigger for this structural change is supported by the finding that inhibition of ...
It’s been a minute since Lifehacker looked at the slang of Generation Z—long enough that Generation Alpha has had time to develop and spread some of its own special buzzwords and jargon.