Comical scenes at a home in the USA as a family tried to clean their Maine Coon on0. But the cat was clearly not a fan of ...
A three-year biological survey in Wuyishan National Park, a UNESCO natural and cultural heritage site in southeastern China, has yielded the discovery of 34 new species, including plants, insects and ...
Scientists have just made the most groundbreaking discovery in U.S. animal evolution in the past 100 years! This shocking ...
From stunning animal portraits to captivating glimpses of behaviour in their natural habitat, the World Nature Photography ...
The olive perchlet, a small oval shaped fish with large eyes, was considered extinct in Victoria, Australia in the 1980s after being last spotted in nature in 1929. Now, the species is getting another ...
One of the 'world's rarest' fish species that was presumed to be extinct, the Chel snakehead, was rediscovered in the town of ...