This undated video screenshot shows Li Ziqi receiving an interview with Xinhua. (Xinhua) ...
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These awe inspiring performances all stem from ancient Chinese color tricks. "The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea", "The ...
Louka, a Belgian student with a deep passion for Eastern arts, has embarked on her study abroad journey in Xi 'an, the starting point of the Silk Road. In just a few months, she has immersed herself i ...
北京时间12月2日,CS2上海Major揭幕赛阶段瑞士轮,中国战队RA以1-2不敌MIBR,最终战绩为1胜3负,结束了Major征程。 在Ancient地图上,RA以4-13的比分输给MIBR。比赛开始时,RA进攻方开提B,神kaze双枪四杀,取得1 ...
The two-hour show is inspired by the classic image of the Luohe Goddess created by ancient Chinese lyric poet Cao Zhi. The ...
On Nov 25, more than 300 archaeologists, writers, and musicians from over 60 countries and regions gathered in Liangzhu for ...
北京时间11月30日,CS2上海Major揭幕赛阶段,在瑞士轮0-2组别中,中国战队RA迎战FNC,图一远古遗迹,RA手握7-0开局惨遭翻盘,暂0-1落后。赛前战队支持率,本图作战的RA高达73%。地图选择:FNC禁Mirage,RA禁Nuke,FN ...
The exhibition features 131 rare artifacts, including exquisite porcelain, calligraphy and religious objects. Highlights ...
Cobblestone streets, winding alleys, flowing waters, and timeless bridges... Wuzhen's interconnected waterways made it a hub for commerce in ancient times. In 2014, Wuzhen was chosen as the permanent ...
武当山,位于湖北省西北部,是著名的 道教圣地。道教是中国传统文化的根柢,道教的核心是尊道贵德,以长生求仙为追求目标,以修炼丹药为修道途径,以符箓斋醮为拯救手段, 这些都成为中国传统文化不可分割的部分并影响至今。
In the picturesque, pleasant climate of Shenyu Island Cultural Tourism Zone in Baoting Li and Miao Autonomous County, Italian ...