In some cases, doctors only learn about the risks of some medications after patients have already been using them for some time. Benzodiazepines and anticholinergic drugs are common classes of ...
While patients may present with similar symptoms, there are notable differences between RS and TD. Distinguishing “Rabbit” Syndrome (RS) from tardive dyskinesia (TD) is crucial because treatment ...
For further clarification, consult your healthcare provider. This medication is an anticholinergic agent, used as pain killer (Belladonna alkaloid). It blocks cardiac vagal inhibitory reflexes ...
For further clarification, consult your healthcare provider. This medication is an anticholinergic agent, prescribed for prevention of symptoms of motion sickness such as nausea and vomiting ...
Dr Sarah added: "Quite often it is the use of certain medications that is the cause, due to the anticholinergic effects and the impact of these medications on saliva production. For example ...