Apple is making significant headway on its long-rumored foldable iPhone, with a new report suggesting the company has ...
Apple is reportedly finalising plans to unveil its MacBook Air M4 models in March 2024. The refreshed laptops could boast the ...
According to Bloomberg's Mark Gurman, Apple's latest MacBook Air models with the M4 chip are slated for a March launch. The ...
苹果Apple MacBook Pro 14英寸笔记本电脑,搭载全新M4/M4 Pro芯片,性能强劲,无论是日常办公还是专业创作都能游刃有余。其卓越的视网膜显示屏带来震撼视觉体验,轻薄便携的设计更是为移动办公提供极大便利。现在天猫超市正在进行限时优惠活动,原价12899元,参与立减20%活动后,到手价仅需10999元,是近期非常超值的好价,千万不要错过这次入手良机!
2月20日,期待已久的苹果新机iPhone 16e正式发布,这也是今年苹果的首发产品。这个新款iPhone以其全新外观、融合式摄像头设计以及自研C1基带芯片的亮相,引发了业界的广泛讨论。然而,这仅仅是今年春季的华丽开篇,后续更多苹果新品即将来袭。 首先,大家都翘首以盼的新款MacBook Air也在路上。彭博社记者Mark Gurman最新爆料,苹果的营销、销售与零售团队正在紧锣密鼓地为即将到来的 ...
Apple is preparing to launch new M4 MacBook Air models in March. The iPhone 16e is available for pre-order now and launches ...
Rumors have claimed that Apple is on its way to deliver a massive video recording upgrade to the iPhone 17 Pro.
Alongside ongoing price drops on the popular M4 Mac mini configurations, today we spotted the return of $150 discounts ...
Apple announced a massive four-year investment plan including a new Texas factory, as the tech giant tries to keep pace with ...
Apple's next MacBook Air with M4 could be nearly as powerful as the latest MacBook Pro, and perhaps you won't have to pay ...
Previous reports had said that the new MacBook Air will feature a version of the M4 chip, which was introduced in November ...
New details on Apple's upcoming MacBook Air laptops show the advantages of using the Apple Silicon M4 chipset.