Having already subdued Congress, Trump has now openly announced that the Führerprinzip governs the executive branch.
Government attacks on press freedom from Mississippi to the Oval Office have our First Amendment rights on the brink of collapse.
The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) decision to invite Reza Pahlavi, the son of Iran’s last dictator, to this ...
Research reveals that democratic governments are better equipped to handle sudden drops in food aid, highlighting the ...
Honouring Nepal's democratic journey on 18 February, a day that marks the overthrow of the Rana regime and the establishment ...
President Trump was anointed chairman of the Kennedy Center’s board of trustees — but only after firing all of the Democratic appointees on the board and handpicking their ...
I am struck by the fact neither major political party wants to disclose the real reason for the huge battle over the Southern ...
Oliver crashed The Daily Show Monday to roast Stewart on the US political descent into “monarchy”—mockingly urging the host to “embrace” Trump’s royal rule.
Denial is a defense mechanism. We deny what is right in front of us because it is too disconcerting to face. We deny to ...
Overcentralising power can only strengthen autocracy. Perhaps it’s time to refresh Gandhi’s idea of ‘village republics’ ...