为了揭开这些谜团,来自相关研究机构的科研人员们踏上了探索之旅。他们在《BMC Genomics》期刊上发表了一篇名为 “Transcriptomic analysis of the interna of the rhizocephalan barnacle Parasacculina sinensis reveals potential mechanisms of host ...
自然栖息地中的大群白鹅。图片来自那不勒斯。 In our rapidly warming world, wildlife must adapt to survive, and birds are no exception. As temperatures climb, these feathered creatures are making remarkable changes to keep ...
为了揭开这个谜团,中国科学院海洋研究所的研究人员在《BMC Genomics》期刊上发表了一篇名为 “Transcriptomic analysis reveals genetic adaptation mechanisms of the barnacle Chthamalus challengeri to intertidal microhabitat variations” ...