San Diego beaches along the coastline were under advisory due to high levels of bacteria. ABC 10News Reporter Rachel Bianco ...
Los Angeles County public health officials have issued a number of ocean water warnings for public beaches due to high ...
A rapid change in water temperatures and wind patterns in the fall keeps turtles from leaving Cape Cod Bay, where they become ...
After a rash of stranded turtles on Massachusetts shores in the last week, the New England Aquarium is now treating over 200 ...
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health is cautioning residents who are planning to visit area beaches to avoid ...
Beginning in early November, a growing list of San Diego County beaches have been deemed unsafe for human contact by the ...
City Mayco Member for Community Services and Health, Patricia van der Ross, said 340 lifeguards had been deployed at beaches ...
Horse-riders on the Lincolnshire coast have been warned they will need to adapt to a changing beach landscape. Managers at ...
Instead, they settled for shells from the sand. San Diego County's Department of Environmental Health says recent testing ...
A decadelong conflict over the condition of a New Jersey resort town’s beaches involving tens of millions of dollars in ...