As spring arrives in Lingnan, the beauty of the region ushers in the New Year. In 2025, during the Chinese New Year, "The Great Beauty of Lingnan" will accompany you in admiring the scenery of the ...
Miss World was first organised in 1951 in the UK by television host Eric Morley. His widow, Julia Morley, became CEO after ...
当立春后的第一场雪悄然降临青海海东市互助土族自治县东山乡,这片古老的土地瞬间被银装素裹。从空中俯瞰,山间的梯田被白雪覆盖,层层叠叠、错落有致,宛如大地的纹理,美得令人窒息。When the first snow after the beginning ...
当一位来自加纳的小伙,遇上一座千年石窟,一场关于东方美学的奇妙旅程就此展开。神奇探索局解锁新角色,来自加纳的小伙姚森,成为神奇探索局第四位探员。甘肃天水,藏着中国四大石窟中最“接地气”的奇迹——麦积山石窟。泥塑的微笑、风化的色彩、逆风而上的纸片……这 ...
在阳朔的奇山秀水间,有一场不容错过的视觉盛宴——金龙巡游!大年初一到初六,遇龙河都有巨龙巡游!From New Year’s Day to the sixth day of the first lunar month, a magnificent ...
Jho Shinwoo’s wife, who has spent many years in Hangzhou, went to Jeju Island to care for her daughter, who had just become a ...
Please explain “for lack of a better word” in this quote: “Greed, for lack of a better word, is good.” “Greed is good” is ...
【本文由小黑盒作者@榴莲超人不会飞于02月19日发布,未经许可不得转载!】 这个是截止目前为止,steam前100愿望清单的游戏排名 里面有些是续作,有些是新游。 不过能排上前100,都是有卖点,还不错的游戏 喜欢的可以关注一下游戏 不喜欢的就图一乐,当逛垃圾桶了 1. 怪物猎人荒野(Monster Hunter Wilds) , 价格: ¥368, ...