在广州市中心,叫一辆自动驾驶Robotaxi往返机场或高铁站,已经成为现实。Pony.ai officially launched its Robotaxi services in 4 demonstration routes in downtown ...
2月20日上午,广州市十六届人大五次会议开幕,广州市市长孙志洋作政府工作报告。下面,我们用1000字带你读完精华内容。Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong province, plans to promote ...
犀利!海珠湿地又发现全球新物种啦!Chinese researchers have discovered a new insect species, Eidoreus haizhuensis, in a wetland in Guangzhou, ...
启明创投和梁颕宇于2024年11月启动了一项“管理团队传承规划”,以确保顺利交接。 作为该计划的一部分,梁颕宇离任后,启明创投主管合伙人胡旭波和合伙人陈侃将共同领导启明创投在医疗健康领域的投资。
The models, including the world's largest open-source video generative model and an advanced auto voice interaction system, ...
Gloria Li是上海进才中学国际部的一名教师。她带教的是小学部一年级的学生,低年级的孩子充满了求知欲和好奇心,这激励着Gloria用心教孩子认知身边的事物和书本上的知识。孩子们的成长和进步让她看到了作为教师的价值:点燃自己,照亮他人。
According to data from the online travel platform Trip.com, after China implemented a visa-free policy for ROK and eight other countries in November 2024, the year-on-year growth rate of inbound ...
Estimates by financial services provider Morgan Stanley show that inbound tourism is expected to generate cumulative revenues of between $1.7 trillion and $4.5 trillion for China over the next decade, ...