Detecting danger is key to the survival and success of all species. Animal nervous and immune systems cooperate to optimize danger detection. Preceding studies have highlighted the benefits of ...
The diversity of regenerative phenomena seen in adult metazoans, as well as their underlying mechanistic bases, are still far from being comprehensively understood. Reviewing both ultrastructural and ...
然而,研究也存在一些局限性。虽然观察到 LG/J 小鼠的再生优势,但具体机制尚未完全明确,不清楚加速的骨再生是与特定成骨基因的遗传变异有关,还是与更广泛的系统差异(如免疫反应)相关。研究仅关注了 LG/J 和 SM/J 亲本菌株,未对杂交小鼠进行研究,且不确定 LG/J 小鼠再生潜能增强是源于细胞特性、细胞外基质特征还是两者共同作用。未来研究可通过评估 LG/J 和 SM/J ...
the regeneration process initiates with the formation of a blastema — a mass of undifferentiated cells at the site of the wound. These cells have the unique ability to morph into any cell type ...