California's Proposition 12, an animal welfare law, is being targeted by the Trump administration in a bid to reduce egg ...
California's only lab that can confirm lethal bird flu in poultry is shifting some testing to facilities out of state due to ...
Poultry producers, disease experts and government officials are now questioning the practice of widespread culling in ...
California's only lab that can confirm lethal bird flu in poultry is shifting some testing to facilities out of state due to ...
A conveyor belt moves eggs through a washing machine at Sunrise Farms in Petaluma recently. As prices soar due to avian flu outbreaks, egg farmers are investing millions of dollars to guard flocks ...
A new report reveals that more Americans may have had bird flu without reporting any symptoms. How many cases have been ...
·牛源H5N1是潜在的人畜共患威胁,有必要对其持续监测。但目前H5N1禽流感病毒人际传播风险低,公众无须恐慌。 禽流感病毒(AIV),尤其是高致病 ...
California’s only laboratory for confirming lethal bird flu in poultry shifts some testing out of state due to a strike by ...
As egg prices continue to skyrocket due to continuing outbreaks of H5N1 bird flu, the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture has announced a multi-pronged strategy to fight the disease — including an effort to ...
And, in California — where the average price of ... Read more:Killing 166 million birds hasn’t helped poultry farmers stop H5N1. Is there a better way? Known as the Prevention of Cruelty ...
USDA confirms H5N1 bird flu in four black rats in Riverside County, California amid growing mammal infections.