Atiqot 27:149-189. Amiran R. 1955. The 'Cream Ware' of Gezer and the Beersheba Late Chalcolithic. IEJ5:240-245. Amiran R. 1969. Ancient Pottery in the Holy Land, from Its Beginnings in the Neolithic ...
The structure consists of three concentric walls up to five meters high and 25 towers. Inside, the tomb of a possible Roman legionary has been discovered ...
Archaeologists from Leiden University and the University of Cyprus have uncovered new evidence at the Chalcolithic settlement of Palloures in Chlorakas, revealing its critical role in Cyprus’ early ...
Avrutis V.W. 2012. The Late Chalcolithic Pottery Assemblages. In V.W. Avrutis. Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age I Remains at Nesher-Ramla Quarry. Haifa. Pp. 33–100. Kol-Ya’akov S. 2010a. Salvage ...
The vessel has been dated to the Chalcolithic period (4500-3500 BCE), also known as the Copper Age, a time in human development — between the agricultural Neolithic revolution and the later ...