I would like to improve the heavy clay soil in my vegetable garden. A friend suggested that I rototill several inches of sand to improve the drainage. Is that a good way to improve clay soil ...
This yellowing of leaves is sometimes confused with a nutrient deficiency disease called iron chlorosis, especially in the ...
Chlorotic trees will eventually die unless soil pH is reduced or supplemental iron is added. River birch is resistant to bronze birch borer, a destructive pest on many other birch species Visit What's ...
The phytotoxin moves up through the plant and accumulates in the leaves.” On leaves, the symptoms first appear as yellow flecks that occur between veins. These chlorotic flecks may continue to develop ...
Avoid excess irrigation. Remove and appropriately discard infected plants from the field. Infected plants of any size may begin to develop chlorotic (i.e., yellow) leaves. Under warm and humid ...
Foliar disease severity was assessed on a 0 to 4 scale where: 0 = healthy; 1 = wilting or chlorosis of one to three outer leaves; 2 = up to moderate stunting and wilting or chlorosis of <25% of leaf ...
Gene silencing is a negative feedback mechanism that regulates gene expression to define cell fate and also regulates metabolism and gene expression throughout the life of an organism. In plants, gene ...
Fertilize before planting based on soil test results. Like other legumes, peas can fix atmospheric nitrogen. However, if plants appear chlorotic (yellowish) after pods begin to set, a side dressing of ...