Dubai Festivals and Retail Establishment (DFRE), an agency of Dubai’s Department of Economy and Tourism (DET), is responsible ...
Bank accidentally credits customer with $81 trillion instead of $280 'Star Trek: Khan' Just Recast The Franchise's Most ...
In an effort to provide environmentally friendly disposal options, promote sustainability and prolong the life of the local ...
Austin Parks Foundation held its biannual “It’s My Park Day” volunteer event at dozens of parks, trails and greenbelts across ...
An icy fall and injured limb brought a certain person into the emergency department, but a bigger issue was found within the ...
The main public library will be among the new drop-off points for organic food waste picked up by the Rust Belt Riders.
PUYALLUP, Wash. — An impaired driver crashed into a power pole on East Main Street in Puyallup Sunday evening, causing a ...
The city of Miami has abandoned plans to eliminate its citywide recycling program and scale back bulky waste pickup services ...
One of the individuals targeted in the supposed raid was the father-in-law of Flipe Espinoza, 56, who works as a traffic officer in LA. He was in the middle of a workout over the weekend when FBI ...
The Regional Transit System has secured over $66 million in grant awards over the last six years — accounting for nearly 45.5 ...
During the Feb. 18 City Council meeting, the council approved funding for a citywide instant messaging program that could be ...
Fort Worth hosts a citywide job fair with onsite interviews and diverse roles on April 5 at the Will Rogers Memorial Center.