BEIJING, Nov. 30 (Xinhua) -- The eastern and central routes of China's South-to-North Water Diversion Project have transferred 76.5 billion cubic meters of water to the country's drought-prone ...
The recoverable shale oil reserves in China, one of the world's major crude oil consumers, ranks third globally. Data from China's National Energy Administration shows that the country's crude oil ...
Traditional activities such as Huapao (sparkler-grabbing), pearl ball, and single bamboo drifting, which originated from ...
CDT编辑注: 北京一法院11月29日以间谍罪判处媒体人董郁玉七年监禁。现年62岁的董郁玉毕业于北京大学法学院,曾任官媒《光明日报》资深编辑,在一些文章中对当局提出批评,曾获得多项新闻奖。他还曾为 外媒 撰稿 ...
BEIJING, Nov. 29 (Xinhua) — A speech delivered by Chinese President Xi Jinping at a national conference held on Sept. 27 to commend role models for ethnic unity and progress, has been published as ...
巴通社11 月 25 日(BNA)报道:根据巴林工业和商业部与阿联酋工业和先进技术部(MoIAT)于 2024 年 1 月签署的谅解备忘录(MoU),两国技术团队召开会议,探讨实施谅解备忘录的策略,并促进阿联酋国家国内价值 (ICV:National In-Country Value) 计划与巴林工业价值计划 (Takamul) 之间的协同作用。
来华事由符合免签政策规定的经商、旅游观光、探亲访友、交流访问或过境的外国人,经中国边防检查机关依法查验准许后入境;对来华事由与免签政策规定事由不符或具有其他法定不准入境情形的外国人,边防检查机关将依法作出不准入境决定。建议携带邀请函、机票酒店订单等与 ...
China's meteorological authority issued a yellow alert for snowstorms on Monday, with blizzards expected to hit parts of the ...
(ECNS) -- "The Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has been a good process in helping the world resolve to do better collaboratively. I think that ...
Uruguayan President Luis Lacalle Pou on Sunday recognized the opposition candidate Yamandu Orsi as president-elect, who will ...
The Big Dipper constellation has served as a compass for the Chinese since ancient times. Today, the list of fields featuring ...
超级计算机已经成为一个国家信息技术创新的核心驱动力量,是综合国力提升的强大支撑。2009年,由国防科技大学研制的我国首台千万亿次超级计算机系统“天河一号”诞生,实现了我国自主研制超级计算机能力从百万亿次到千万亿次的跨越。2022年10月9日,“天河” ...