China has been the stabilizer of the world economy. As the second largest economy in the world, China contributes to around ...
China has been the stabilizer of the world economy. As the second largest economy in the world, China contributes to around ...
海洋经济是指开发、利用和保护海洋的各类产业活动,以及与之相关联活动的总和。主要包括为开发海洋资源和依赖海洋空间而进行的生产活动,以及直接或间接为开发海洋资源及空间的相关服务性产业活动。我国是一个陆地大国,也是一个海洋大国,海洋经济发展前途无量。经过多 ...
BEIJING, Feb. 24 (Xinhua) -- China's marine economy achieved a significant milestone in 2024, with its gross ocean product ...
Lujiazui, Shanghai's financial center, provides a stunning backdrop to the Bund. [Photo by Wang Gang/For China Daily] ...
La Space Economy è un motore di crescita economica globale, con un tasso annuo di crescita del 9%. Entro il 2035, il mercato ...
BEIJING, March 1 (Xinhua) -- China's national platform for public data resource registration was put into service on Saturday, according to the National Data Administration (NDA).
导读近年来,香港的离岸人民币存款量大幅增长,至2024年中已达到1万亿人民币,显示出境外使用人民币的人越来越多。从规模来看,离岸美元市场历史悠久、规模庞大——总额大约14万亿美元,而离岸人民币市场目前仅占中国中央银行货币总额的3%,这说明离岸人民币市 ...
随着人们生活观念的转变,越来越多的城市居民渴望 亲近自然、体验乡村生活 。 “小院经济” 通过打造迷你小溪、围炉煮茶、野奢露营帐篷等 场景化体验 ,满足了消费者对“慢生活”的追求。这种 个性化、定制化 的服务,尤其是对年轻人极具吸引力。
From ancient fur skis to modern ski resorts, Altay, Xinjiang, is a winter wonderland that truly stands apart. Join us at Jiangjunshan ski resort to discover the origins of skiing and explore how the ...