许多全球品牌下架使用新疆棉的产品,这在中国引发强烈反弹。 H&M、耐克(Nike)、博柏利(Burberry,巴宝莉)、思捷(Esprit) 和阿迪达斯(Adidas)等品牌都遭到抵制。
Its plea comes after Fast Retailing's CEO said Uniqlo and its other subsidiaries didn't use cotton from the controversial ...
Fast Retailing Co., owner of the Uniqlo apparel chain, is closely monitoring to see if Chinese demand for its products is ...
2024年11月,全球知名时尚品牌优衣库(Uniqlo)母公司迅销集团(Fast ...
(东京28日讯)日本知名成衣品牌UNIQLO母公司迅销(Fast Retailing)执行长柳井正,接受英国广播公司(BBC)访问表示,UNIQLO不使用来自中国新疆地区的棉花。这是他首度直接回应关于新疆棉的争议。
We sell different types of products and services to both investment professionals and individual investors. These products and services are usually sold through license agreements or subscriptions ...
创始人柳井正首次表态:优衣库不使用新疆棉,但会继续增加中国门店数,中国,迅销,柳井正,新疆棉,优衣库,阿迪达斯,知名企业,uniqlo ...
A Chinese industry association urged international companies to use cotton produced in Xinjiang after the head of Uniqlo’s ...
Casual wear giant Uniqlo is facing calls for a consumer boycott in China after the CEO of the clothing company's owner said ...
此次评级开始之际,迅销股价已经因预期在多个国际市场的增长以及对其大中华区业务担忧的减少而出现重估。花旗的目标价设定为2026年8月结束的财年预期每股收益 (EPS)的35倍,这比过去一年平均一年期远期市盈率 (PER)高出约一个标准差。 花旗强调,海外优衣库业务预计将成为公司合并营业利润持续强劲增长的主要驱动力,预计从2025财年到2028财年的年复合增长率 ...