There are tons of factors that you should be weighing when you buy fresh tuna at the store. Here's why the muscle fibers in ...
Alexis Peña and Lauren Blake, cofounders of Good Fibes, aim to tackle this problem with lab-grown elastics. Operating out of ...
Researchers have developed a high-resolution embedded 3D-printing technique that enables the fabrication of ultra-fine fibers ...
The European Flax-Linen & Hemp and nine of its members are exhibiting a range of flax and hemp fiber materials, services and ...
Shortfall in automotive and wind energy demand, backed by falling earnings from 2023-2024 moves forward decision to reduce ...
Lim said the study also ensures that carbon fibers recycled through their process would maintain nearly the same mechanical ...
Emerging from the ashes of Renewcell, Circulose has joined forces with environmental nonprofit Canopy to promote the use of responsibly sourced cellulosic fibers.