Sales figures suggest Nintendo did pretty well with the Game Boy Color during its original run, even if the hardware and visuals feel a tad archaic and limited today. [Chris Hackmann] has taken ...
Konami Digital Entertainment Limited (KONAMI) 今天宣布Yu-Gi-Oh! EARLY DAYS COLLECTION已经在零售端与 Nintendo Switch™ eShop推出。另外,相容Steam ...
17 天on MSN
《瓦力欧乐园 4》最初于 2001 年在 GBA 平台发布,深受玩家喜爱。在游戏中,玩家将控制瓦力欧冒险进入一个黄金金字塔。在探索过程中,玩家需要巧妙利用不同的变身状态如“气球瓦力欧”和“蝙蝠瓦力欧”来克服各种敌人和机关。而玩家的目标是深入金字塔内部,寻找隐藏的宝藏。本作此前也由神游科技引进国行版本,国行游戏名为《瓦力欧寻宝记》。
1 天
来自MSN任天堂确认Switch Online的一款复古游戏将会下架!自2018年Switch Online推出以来,其会员订阅服务中不断有经典的8位机和16位机游戏加入。迄今为止,已有超过300款游戏加入到Switch Online服务中,涵盖了NES、SNES、Game Boy、Game Boy ...
The Game Bub might only be a prototype for now, but we’re eager to see it take on the Analogue Pocket and Anbernic’s various ...
Nintendo has confirmed it’s removing a game from Switch Online’s retro library in the US and Europe for the first time. Since ...
Rouge Carpet Disaster: The Video Game is an exclusive release on Game Boy Color, that Static Dress frontman Olli Appleyard says was a “project which was around three years of work”.
Yu-Gi-Oh Early Days Collection Review - It's a journey to the past with 14 classic games from the original Yu-Gi-Oh series in ...
The Nintendo Game Boy is one of the best video game platforms of all time. Just don't play any of these terrible games on the ...
9 天
来自MSN传乐高官方Game Boy积木10月1日发售 售价60美元据乐高消息泄露者Falconbrickstudios 称,乐高任天堂Game Boy 将于 10 月 1 日上市,售价59.99 美元。这款乐高 Game Boy 最早于今年 1 月上市,但并没有正式公开掌机外观。他还透露称,这款乐高复制品将包含 421 个乐高零件。这使得它内含积木远低于任天堂 NES 主机复制品套装,包含 2646 块积木。NES 主机积木套装还包含了一个能够连接主机的电视机。