The Gerontology Academic Program under the Sanford Center for Aging will host three lectures this spring on the subject of ...
A new artificial intelligence model measures how fast a patient's brain is aging and could be a powerful new tool for understanding, preventing and treating cognitive decline and dementia, according ...
A new artificial intelligence model measures how fast a patient's brain is aging and could be a powerful new tool for understanding, preventing and treating cognitive decline and dementia.
Researchers at USC have developed a groundbreaking AI model that measures the speed of brain aging using MRI scans. This tool ...
Becky Engram is redefining what it means to spend time with her family. Engram is a member of the "sandwich generation," ...
AI tool uses MRI scans to track the pace of brain changes, mapping anatomic variations in regional brain aging rates according to factors including sex and age.
IN Tanzania every person is entitled to work and to just remuneration, aligned with a person’s qualifications and experience.
In a nutshell The percentage of older Americans living without disabilities increased from 60.8% in 2008 to 64.9% in 2017.
62岁的老张是小区的热心肠,每天早上遛弯、听戏、中午再喊几个老伙计搓顿饭,生活过得悠然自得。大家都知道,老张喜欢吃,尤其是高油高盐的“小馆子菜”。水煮鱼、红烧肉,配上几杯小酒,老张总直呼“生活就是个享字”。尽管有了高血压的小毛病,但他总觉得,年纪大了 ...