A fishing boat sank after colliding with a sand barge off the coast of Gyeongju, southeast of South Korea, early Monday, leaving seven of its eight crew members dead and one missing, Yonhap news ...
As a non-regional country and a non-party to the South China Sea issue, the United States has displayed elements of Cold War thinking through a series of disruptive actions in the region. The United ...
IT之家 12 月 7 日消息,Meta 今年的压轴 AI 大模型来了。Meta 昨日(12 月 6 日)发布 Llama 3.3,共有 700 亿参数,不过性能方面媲美拥有 4050 亿参数的 Llama 3.1。 Meta 强调 Llama ...
JetBrains发布Kotlin 2.1.0版本带来多项重大升级,包括语言功能的进一步强化、添加功能预览、编译器优化及跨平台开发等改进。这次更新不仅提升开发体验,也替Kotlin多样应用场景提供更多的支持,再次扩展Kotlin作为现代开发工具的地位 ...
微软再次强调了可信平台模块(TPM)2.0的重要性,将其称为Windows11未来不可协商的标准。TPM是一种芯片或固件,用于存储加密密钥、密码和其他敏感数据。与TPM1.2相比,TPM2.0支持更多功能,包括安全启动和WindowsHel ...
30日12时,当地COAST GUARD 高度赞赏“XIN BO”轮船员参加救助的行为并同意该轮续航。随着一声嘹亮的汽笛,21名中国船员迎着风起航,劈波斩浪,恢复正常航行,继续驶往目的港。
BEIJING, Dec. 4 (Xinhua) -- Four Philippine vessels attempted to intrude into Chinese territorial waters off Huangyan Dao on Wednesday and the China Coast Guard (CCG) acted lawfully to control the ...