The expanded pro-consumption policy, which comprises measures such as subsidies for digital products and home appliances, is driving significant sales growth and deeper market engagement for ...
Latest data from the State Taxation Administration, the country's top tax authority, showed that tax breaks for companies' research and development spending and technology transfers totaled 806.9 ...
In 2024, the sales revenues of China's high-tech sectors grew 9.6 percentage points faster than the overall national growth rate, reflecting the rapid development of innovative industries. The sales ...
锣鼓一响秧歌“上头”壹贰叁肆今天,洛川的街头巷尾被喜庆的氛围紧紧包裹炼化公司的陕北大秧歌、黄河战鼓和广东潮汕英歌舞三个方阵阵容庞大、气势恢宏洛川县赴市演出秧歌队也给父老乡亲们留下了深刻的印象明日(正月十五)上午10:30洛川县槐柏镇、土基镇、卫健局等 ...
These tractors are high-end models, each with 200 horsepower or more. Some will head to China's key grain-producing regions ...
At the same time, Moutai insists on the green development of the industry, including the synergy of energy saving, carbon reduction, emission reduction and efficiency enhancement of the industrial ...
论汽车,我们不能不提保时捷(Porsche);论手表,谁能忽略百达翡丽(Patek Philippe);论苏格兰威士忌,岂能忘记麦卡伦(Macallan);论High End音响的数字音源,dCS是最常被提起的。 从开发军用设备起家,缔造多项世界第一 dCS于1987年创立。不过,创立初时,他们并非一间音响公司,而是为英国军方提供电子软硬件的工程设计顾问服务。其经手过最重要的案例,就是参与搭载在可 ...