Mohan Town, located in Yunnan on the China-Laos border, leverages the China-Laos Railway to shift its economic model from a ...
BEIJING, Dec 9 (China Economic Net) - China's intellectual property (IP) royalties reached a record high in the first nine months of 2024, with total import and export fees hitting 307.2 billion yuan, ...
At the press conference, the organizing committee announced four ambassadors for the event: Vivian Kong Man Wai, the Olympic fencing champion from Hong Kong; Kenenisa BEKELE, renowned Ethiopian ...
KUNMING, Dec. 3 (China Economic Net) - Nine cooperation agreements were signed between Chinese and Pakistani enterprises, with a total value of RMB 1.918 billion (approximately $263.8 million) during ...
Since its inception 13 years ago, the China-Europe freight trains have transported more than 11 million TEUs (twenty-foot ...
Despite rising unilateralism and protectionism in some Western countries in recent years, the China-Europe freight train ...
特朗普加征关税固然可能促使很多企业将生产基地转移到泰国,从而增加外商对泰国的投资。但是,美国有可能会对进口产品实施更严格的原产地认证规则。同时,美国还可能会加大进口反规避调查的力度,阻止中国产品借道泰国进入美国市场。如果关税规避的效果大打折扣,泰国对 ...
O 100.000º trem de carga China-Europa chegou a Duisburg, Alemanha, na terça-feira de manhã, registrando um marco histórico para esta ligação ferroviária.
棺材,就像一艘小船,承载着一个人生命的安乐终点,也装载着生者对逝者的情感寄托。 在山东菏泽,棺材也支撑着当地经济的重要一环。 中国人避讳谈及死亡,但棺材生意早已形成了成熟的产业链。日本90%的棺木都是菏泽曹县生产的。据报道,仅曹县庄寨镇的两 ...
Liu Liange, former chairman of Bank of China, was on Tuesday sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve for bribe-taking and ...
2024年11月12日晚,德国葡萄酒中国办公室在上海举行了盛大的十周年庆典,吸引140名德国葡萄酒进口商、酒庄、品牌、展会组织者、媒体、主要平台、合作伙伴及葡萄酒讲师参与。德国驻华大使馆食品与农业参赞邓菲女士(Ms. Friederike ...
In this business, Zhanjiang in southwest Guangdong has quite a story to tell. After all, the locally-based Evergreen ...