The root causes of most forms of Alzheimer's disease largely remain a mystery. Now, researchers have revealed a new piece of ...
Neurogeneticists have discovered a novel genetic mutation and associated buildup of toxic proteins in the brain -- a type of buildup distinct from amyloid or tau, proteins that have long been the ...
Genetic testing involves the detection of specific alleles, mutations, genotypes or karyotypes that are associated with heritable traits, diseases or predispositions to disease for the individual ...
Of the remaining polymorphisms, one was in the 5′ UTR, two were exonic without predicted amino acid sequence changes, and six were intronic. One intronic mutation suggested a potential enhancement of ...
ExpressionEdits' Genetic Syntax Engine platform is designed to enhance gene expression within gene therapies by restoring introns.
在生命科学的神秘世界里,有一种疾病一直困扰着科学家们,它就是先天性糖基化障碍(Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation,CDG)。这可不是一种普通的疾病,它是一组先天性代谢异常疾病,专门影响糖缀合物的生物合成。打个比方,如果把人体比作一个精密的工厂,那么糖缀合物就是工厂里负责各种重要工作的 “小能手”,而 CDG 就像是工厂里捣乱的 “小怪兽”,让这些 “小能手” ...
DNA sequencing is any chemical, enzymatic or technological procedure for determining the linear order of nucleotide bases in DNA. Sanger sequencing by replicative synthesis in the presence of ...
Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most malignant of astrocytomas mainly involving the cerebral hemispheres and the cerebral cortex. It is one of the fatal and refractory solid tumors, with a 5-year survival ...
Most regulatory elements, especially enhancer sequences, are cell population-specific. One could even argue that a distinct set of regulatory elements is what defines a cell population. However, ...