英国竞争和市场管理局 (CMA)公布了各公司、游说团体和学者的意见,作为其根据新技术反垄断规则对Alphabet旗下谷歌 (Google)进行调查的一部分。 这些于周四发布的文件概述了从零售商到广播公司和科技集团等各类公司如何依赖谷歌无处不在的搜索引擎,以及他们是否认为该平台在数字经济中的主导地位存在问题。
病例1基本信息患者女性,44岁,个体经商。2023年12月入院。主诉为发热、咳嗽10余天,胸闷气短1周。既往有长期家具装潢接触史。现病史患者于入院前10余天(2023-12-08)接触发热病人后出现发热、咳嗽,当地诊所治疗5天(具体不详)无效,12月 ...
细胞内质网中蛋白错误折叠与聚集与肥胖、糖尿病、神经退行性疾病和癌症等多种人类疾病的发生发展密切相关。内质网主要通过两种关键途径清除错误折叠蛋白和聚集体:内质网蛋白降解 (ERAD)和内质网自噬 ...
特朗普 (Trump)政府正寻求削减联邦合同。很少有公司像博思艾伦咨询公司 (Booz Allen Hamilton)那样容易受到冲击。 这家历史悠久的华盛顿特区公司承接美国政府的各种项目。该公司运营着一个网站,游客可以通过该网站预订国家公园的露营地。该公司正在为退伍军人更新医疗健康记录,加强联邦调查局 (Federal Bureau of ...
2月18日,#台媒曝艺人王大陆因涉嫌逃避兵役被捕#登上热搜,相关话题引发热议。18日下午,据多家媒体报道,王大陆下午被新北地方法院检察署复讯,罪名有依妨害兵役和伪造文书等。 以下是外媒报道。
BEIJING, Feb. 23 (Xinhua) -- China on Sunday urged the United States to stop its wrongdoing in proposing to impose restrictive measures on China's maritime, logistics, and shipbuilding sectors as part ...
She decided to take a short break to clear her head before making an important decision. Before starting his speech, he ...
Five people were killed and 20 others injured when a suicide bomber detonated himself inside a seminary in Pakistan's ...
China urges the United States to respect the facts and multilateral rules, and refrain from going farther down the wrong path, the spokesperson said, noting that China will monitor U.S. actions ...
The US' proposed restrictive measures, such as levying port fees, would be self-harming and have detrimental effects, according to an online statement issued by the Commerce Ministry.
Cao Xingxin, a former deputy general manager of telecom giant China Unicom, has been expelled from the Communist Party of ...