The CEO of Oracle and close confidant of President Trump has spent nearly half a billion dollars on his vision of bringing ...
In a row of six greenhouses on a remote stretch of the Hawaiian island of Lanai, Larry Ellison is trying to use his golden ...
PANews 2月13日消息,据《The Register》报道,Oracle创始人Larry Ellison在迪拜世界政府峰会上表示,若要利用AI提升政府服务和安全,国家应将所有数据,包括空间、经济、电子健康记录(基因数据)、基础设施信息等整合到一个数据库中,以供AI分析。他认为这将改善医疗、农业和社会服务,并帮助政府打击欺诈。
资本市场最近再次被AI医疗这一宏大叙事所吸引,甲骨文创始人Larry ...
Larry Ellison’s leap into farming with his company, Sensei Farms, serves up a classic reminder: being a genius in one arena ...
Oracle cofounder Larry Ellison said during a conference this week that governments need to consolidate data about citizens ...
1月,太平洋帕利塞兹(Pacific Palisades)的大火蔓延至马里布群贤聚集的Carbon Beach。英国投资人西蒙·尼克松(Simon Nixon)远在5400英里外的伦敦,束手无策,只能等待关于自家房屋的消息。
Larry Ellison, the billionaire co-founder of Oracle (NYSE:ORCL), believes the U.S. and other countries should unify all their ...
In a row of six greenhouses on a remote stretch of the Hawaiian island of Lanai, Larry Ellison is trying to use his golden touch in tech to remake the way people around the world eat. The company ...
Even so, Mr Ellison remains the world’s fifth-richest man, and Oracle the third-biggest software firm. He has a thing or two to teach fellow tech titans, in particular his friend Elon Musk, about ...