The people of Telangana are already fed up with Congress and have absolutely horrid memories of BRS misrule. They are looking towards the BJP with great hope." Hitting out at the Congress and BRS ...
Sarah Clegg explores ancient year-end traditions. Today, a custom where servants became masters for a day allowed a release of societal tensions that might otherwise have exploded. Show more When ...
而且,这后世之史书在评价李兴的时候,特别用到了一个词,那就是“忠鲠”,意思是说他这个人吧,忠诚耿直,非常的刚正,成化年间,弊政颇多,李兴经常直言不讳的向皇帝上疏,甚至每次上疏之前,他都和一家老小诀别,颇有后来海瑞提前买好棺材骂嘉靖 ...
推动历史走向的重要力量,一个是人性背后的欲望,一个是人所处的制度环境。人性是不会改变的,若制度环境不变,那么 ...
而且,这后世之史书在评价李兴的时候,特别用到了一个词,那就是“忠鲠”,意思是说他这个人吧,忠诚耿直,非常的刚正,成化年间,弊政颇多,李兴经常直言不讳的向皇帝上疏,甚至每次上疏之前,他都和一家老小诀别,颇有后来海瑞提前买好棺材骂嘉靖 ...
古文运动是唐代中叶及北宋时期以提倡古文、反对骈文为特点的文体改革运动,兼有思想运动和社会运动的性质。北宋的古文 ...