This amounts to the misrule not the rule of law. Tonio Borg is a former European commissioner, former deputy prime minister and an associate professor of public law at the University of Malta.
The people of Telangana are already fed up with Congress and have absolutely horrid memories of BRS misrule. They are looking towards the BJP with great hope." Hitting out at the Congress and BRS ...
但是这几个案子也牵扯住明朝的三大弊政,因为这个事情对于中国的历史发展影响比较大;朱元璋是农民出身对老百姓比较好但是他对官员相当狠;明初有四大案分别是:胡惟庸案、空印案,郭桓案、蓝玉案这四个案杀人都非常多; 胡惟庸案造成整个中国皇权 ...
Ranchi (Jharkhand) [India], November 23 (ANI): As the counting of votes is currently underway in Jharkhand for the assembly polls, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) spokesperson Pratul Shah Deo on Saturday ...
The Peoples Democratic Party in Edo state has again raised concerns over what it describes as impunity on the part of the APC-led administration in the state since taking over on November 12, 2024 ...
State elements now face a unique challenge in sustaining their hegemony. Published 28 May, 2024 08:12am ...
Sarah Clegg explores ancient year-end traditions. Today, a custom where servants became masters for a day allowed a release of societal tensions that might otherwise have exploded. Show more When ...
李自成本来只是明朝驿站的一名普普通通的驿卒,当年崇祯皇帝即位后,决定除去先朝弊政,先除掉了阉党,又厉行节俭,裁撤冗官和臃肿的机构,而令崇祯皇帝没想到的是后来的闯王李自成也正是因为他的这道命令而成了无业游民,对于老百姓来说,穷不要紧 ...
The roots of the current conflict go back a long time. Bekkersdal is a case study of why the ANC fails to deliver because of typical mismanagement and corruption. It also shows once again why the ...
但他公正清廉、革除弊政,受到眾多民眾爱戴,可是石碑上却找不到他的名字。 宋末元初的《癸辛杂识》给出答案,「独包孝肃公(包拯谥号为孝肃 ...
While other big state Democrats are reviving the resistance, Gov. Kathy Hochul of New York says she is open to working with Donald J. Trump where possible. By Nicholas Fandos and Grace Ashford ...