据了解, 卒中发病率高,患者治疗后往往遗留明显的肢体活动障碍等并发症,传统卒中患者治疗主要是肢体功能锻炼、高压氧等方法,效果有效。近年来有研究利用VNS治疗缺血性卒中患者肢体瘫痪的治疗,并取得令人欣慰的效果,但 出血性卒中罕有相关报道。 本次报道一例因出血卒中后遗留左上肢偏瘫并出现反复癫痫发作患者,经正规抗癫痫治疗效果不佳,确诊为卒中相关性癫痫。为治疗反复癫痫发作,予以 迷走神经刺激术。
The generally described syndrome is central, with an acute brain disorder, characterized by ataxia, which can be accompanied by muscle weakness, bilateral paralysis of the oculomotor nerve and signs ...
Neuromuscular stimulators can produce electrical pulses, which can cause excitation of peripheral nerves and, consequently contraction of muscular tissue ... as a result of the use of neuromuscular ...