Radar surveys occasionally show evidence of the base, lurking there like an environmental time bomb under the ice. But in ...
The spacecraft—humanity's most distant probe—managed to resumed contact by switching to a secondary radio not used since 1981 ...
The optics for NASA's Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope have been delivered, marking a big milestone in the assembly of the ...
Dr. Dirk Schulze-Makuch believes his research into extremophiles in the Atacama could help NASA re-assess its search for ...
NASA的蜻蜓计划,一个旨在探索地外生命的雄心勃勃的任务,近日有了新的进展。该计划的目标是将一架装备有核动力系统的旋翼机送往土星最大的卫星——土卫六,执行长达2.5年的生命搜寻任务。土卫六,这颗被命名为泰坦的卫星,因其庞大的体积而备受瞩目。作为太阳系 ...
The PRIMA space telescope would observe the cosmos in far-infrared light, while AXIS would be an orbiting X-ray detector.
WB—is estimated to be between 240 and 525 feet across and will pass us at about twice the distance between the Earth and moon ...
Voyager 1 is shouting across the cosmos again, following a glitch that had seen it inadvertently switch to its low-power ...
As it turns out, this abandoned "secret city" was the site of a secret Cold War project known as Project Iceworm which called ...
Artemis 1 remains the SLS' only launch. The giant NASA rocket is slated to fly again in September 2025, sending the crewed ...
2024年4月,一架NASA的Gulfstream III飞机飞越格陵兰冰盖,用雷达仪器测绘冰层深度及其下的基岩层。意外间,它捕捉到了Camp Century的详细影像,这是冷战时期美军建造的地下隧道基地,隐藏在冰盖之下。这些影像揭示了前所未见的秘密“冰下城市”的结构。