To start our Indonesian street food tour in Jakarta, Indonesia, we tasted the locally made ketoprak. There are so many popular Indonesian foods that you can find on the streets of Jakarta, and ...
ABC Nasi Kandar, which operates a chain of Indian food stalls, has reportedly closed over 10 outlets in the past few months.
SINGAPORE - Popular eatery ABC Nasi Kandar, which shut its chain of food stalls abruptly in the last few months, is under ...
This includes San Peng Nasi Lemak which has been around for 43 years, operating a stall just off Jalan San Peng. Old timers ...
ABC Nasi Kandar, a popular eatery chain here, is reportedly being investigated by Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower (MOM) for ...
人力部发言人星期六(11月30日)回应《联合早报》电邮查询时证实,人力部正在查ABC Nasi Kandar及其人员是否涉及非法雇佣,违反雇佣外籍劳工法令。 发言人说,人力部严正看待非法就业问题,若雇用没有持有效工作准证的外国人,雇主可被罚款最高3万元,或坐牢最长12个月,或两者兼施。再犯者将面对更严厉的惩罚,以及强制监禁。