The play "The Final Curtain," based on the book of the same name by Japanese writer Keigo Higashino, will be held on February 22. Another play "Yinding Bridge" by renowned theater director Lin Zhaohua ...
By 2030, SAIC Volkswagen will launch a total of 18 new models, 15 of which will be developed exclusively for the Chinese ...
BEIJING, Dec. 12 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese economy has experienced an uneven yet resilient growth trajectory in 2024, with a ...
幸福团圆的年味、欢腾喜庆的年俗文化充盈着一代代中国人关于春节的集体记忆。The joyful and festive atmosphere of family reunions, along with the vibrant cultural ...
按照中国传统历法,正月初一是春节,是新的一年的开始。在春节前后,围绕着辞旧迎新、吉祥平安、团圆和谐的共同主题,人们开展一系列活动,清扫房屋、张贴春联、吃年夜饭、祭祖、拜年,欢庆这一中华民族最重要的传统节日。这一过程俗称“过年”。2024年12月4日, ...
进入12月,长沙浏阳河东岸的滨河路披上了新装,全长10公里的梧桐树由绿变黄,冷风中,金色、橙红、浅绿三色的梧桐叶翻飞舞动,为初冬的长沙增添了一份浪漫。长沙浏阳河大桥附近的滨河路上,三列东西纵横的梧桐树夹道而立,漫步树下,几片红叶随风飘落,仿佛走进了童 ...
China said on Thursday it would expand a private pension scheme nationwide from December 15, following a pilot effort, as it ...
美国《时代》杂志12月12日公布“年度风云人物”(Time's Person of the Year),美国当选总统川普(Donald Trump)获选。 川普同日还前往纽约,为纽交所开盘敲钟,当时他身边有多名家人陪同,包括妻子梅拉尼娅(Melania Trump)、长女伊万卡(Ivanka Trump)和次女蒂凡尼(Tiffany Trump)等。 《时代》称,没有人比川普在改变政治和历史进程方 ...
Bai Jiabao, deputy general manager of Hunan Dongyi Electric Share Co, the largest lighter manufacturer in Shaodong, said the ...
Under the management of Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO), the Macao Grand Prix Museum (the 'Museum') unveils a series ...
BEIJING, Dec. 12 (Xinhua) -- The eastern Chinese city of Yiwu, known as the "world's supermarket" and a key supplier for Chinese cross-border e-commerce platforms, is set to launch a new round of ...
共和党的唐纳德‧特朗普胜出成为下一任美国总统,令败选的民主党重新使用一个字,是二零一六年特朗普第一次当选总统时他们创作的。那个字是“Trump-proof”。民主党知道,在这四年特朗普的任期内,自己将会面临困境(on the ...