How does tidy storage lead to better medicine? Epigenetics is becoming an ever more important field of research, focusing not ...
The paper shows that Sir2 does not affect origin licensing but rather affects local transcription and nucleosome positioning which correlates with increased origin firing. Overall, the evidence is ...
引言在肿瘤的微观宇宙中,每个癌细胞都像是携带双重身份的特工:它的DNA中潜藏着驱动恶性行为的突变密码,而RNA则实时演绎着这些指令带来的致命行动。然而,研究人员长久以来被迫以“分屏视角”观察这场阴谋——单细胞RNA测序(scRNA-seq)揭示细胞的行为特征,单细胞DNA测序(scDNA-seq)捕捉基因组的异常,但二者如同断线 ...
在生命孕育的神秘旅程中,2%-8%的孕妇会遭遇一个隐形威胁——子痫前期 (preeclampsia)。这种以 高血压 ...
Learn more about eLife assessments In summary, we conclude that Fun30 nucleosome remodeling activity promotes rDNA replication and is required for maintaining rDNA size in sir2 mutants. We next aimed ...
Northwestern Medicine scientists have discovered new details about how the human genome produces instructions for creating ...
A new blood test has an 80% accuracy in predicting preterm preeclampsia, according to a study published today, Feb. 12, in ...
Guardant Health is overcoming skepticism with new cancer tests. Learn why GH stock is a buy, with strong growth and a shift ...
外源DNA的序列组成(如GC含量)决定了其在宿主细胞核中的适应方式。GC含量较高的DNA更容易被宿主转录,并与酵母自身的活跃染色体混合,而AT含量丰富的DNA则倾向于形成紧密的、低活性的染色质结构,并与宿主基因组分隔开 ...
Congenital heart defects (CHDs) are the most common birth defect in the U.S., affecting more than 40,000 infants each year.[1] ...