近日,曾被欧洲寄予厚望,甚至一度被称为 欧洲版“ 宁德时代 ” 的明星独角兽企业 Northvolt 在 烧光 1000 亿人民币后,黯然走向破产, 同时还 背负 58 亿美元巨债,现金仅能维持一周, CEO 也已离职。
Swedish company Northvolt is reportedly in talks with several Chinese battery manufacturers, including CATL (Contemporary ...
Europe’s ambitions to lead the world in green technologies risk fizzling out in the face of China’s dominance. The outlook is ...
Following Northvolt's bankruptcy filing and the resignation of CEO Peter Carlsson, Volkswagen and Goldman Sachs have announced that they will write off their investments in the Swedish battery cell ...
F EW European startups have attracted as much attention—and none as much capital—as Northvolt. On November 21st the Swedish ...
I t was supposed to be a battery pioneer, a symbol of European competitiveness and an example of industrial policy done right ...
Planned $7 million lithium-ion battery gigafactory in southern Quebec secured as “essential” to Swedish battery-maker’s ...
宝马取消数十亿美元的 电池 订单,大众汽车集团放弃营救,欧洲电池冠军企业Northvolt迎来史诗级的破产。 而在Northvolt申请破产前2个月,被称为中国“电池之王”的曾毓群,就曾对欧洲电池制造商为什么难以生产出好产品,给出一个快速但严峻的答案。 “他们的设计就是错误的……流程也有问题,而且设备也不对,他们如何扩大规模?”这位宁德时代首席执行官直言不讳地告诉挪威“石油基金”负责人尼古拉·坦根 ...