The effects of Climate Change on Earth’s living systems have led to a shift in biological studies, with attention now being ...
Discover how perimenopause affects sleep through hormonal fluctuations, with insights into managing sleep disturbances during ...
Discover evidence-based sleep hygiene techniques that go beyond basic advice, offering fresh approaches to optimize sleep ...
Few people need an explanation for why football players wear helmets, or why it’s a better idea to catch a baseball with a ...
Despite the frigid temperatures and white blankets we experienced in central Ohio, plants and insects are expected to survive ...
A revealing new study links ultra-processed foods to accelerated biological aging, showing that the effects go beyond poor ...
Dance Marathon vigil, hosted by the Pediatric AIDS Coalition at UCLA, worked to empower a new generation by breaking stigmas ...
Space flight presents significant health risks for astronauts, including radiation exposure, microgravity stress, and ...
Oura is overhauling its daily Readiness Score to better reflect natural fluctuations that occur during a user’s menstrual ...
Social media use impacts the neuroendocrine system, which is implicated in stress responses. This is not surprising: ...
A new study by the U.S. Army Research Institute reveals the science behind who makes the cut to become an elite Special ...
Even though they're in the animal kingdom's order of Carnivora – carnivorous species – Giant pandas spend up to 16 hours a ...