Selective landlord licensing has been extended to almost 1,900 more properties in Manchester. Since 2017, more than 3,500 ...
Selective landlord licensing has been extended to almost 1,900 more properties in Manchester. Since 2017, more than 3,500 homes across the city have been fully license to improve standards.
Manchester and Gateshead councils expand landlord licensing to over 7,000 properties, targeting poor housing, safety, and ...
Manchester has extended selective licensing to another 1,863 rental properties across the city.
Manchester City Council has extended its landlord licensing scheme to the owners and agents of 1,863 more flats and houses.
Almost 1,900 additional homes will now be subject to landlord licensing in Manchester as the city's council extends its ...
The cost of the project is estimated at $1.635 million, with 100% of the project costs expected to be assessed to the ...
A proposal to rezone several tracts of land on Hart Lane to allow for more intensive redevelopment under the DB90, or Density Bonus 90, zoning district was recommended by the Zoning and Platting ...
The Austin City Council Monday night approved the platting of a proposed addition to the Nature Ridge Fourth Subdivision, which was petitioned by Nature Ridge Properties of Austin Co. This is the ...
The City Council Audit and Finance Committee on Wednesday deliberated scaling back about two dozen of the city’s boards, commissions and other governmental bodies but ultimately took no action pending ...