BEIJING, Dec 4 (China Economic Net) - A report titled "20 Case Examples for 20 Years: Private Sector's Sustainable Development in China" was released on Nov. 30 in the office building of the United Na ...
众所周知,智利周是智利在中国举办的规模最大、级别最高的系列宣传活动,自2015年举办第一届起,已经走过9个年头了。在这9年里,智利周见证了智中贸易伙伴关系的飞速增长:2015 年,智利与中国的贸易额为310 亿美元,而2023年则达到了549.03 ...
In June 2018, XPENG and Desay SV officially signed a strategic cooperation agreement in Guangzhou. Their collaboration on the ...
半导体工程师 2024年12月04日 09:06 ...
拉姐此前就在接受采访时透露,NotebookLM最初是一个“20%项目”——这是谷歌的一个传统,即“员工20%的时间可以用于业余项目”。 团队一开始只有拉姐自己和一名工程师,后来作家Steven ...
KUNMING, Dec. 3 (China Economic Net) - Nine cooperation agreements were signed between Chinese and Pakistani enterprises, with a total value of RMB 1.918 billion (approximately $263.8 million) during ...
谷歌最火爆大模型产品,背后团队刚刚集体离职创业了!就是被大神 Karpathy 强烈安利、盛赞为有可能开启“和 ChatGPT 一样大机会”的 NotebookLM ,幕后的关键人物们。 在谷歌干了 5.5 年,今天是我的 last day。领导见证 NotebookLM 从一个想法,演变为服务数百万人的产品,这是令人一生难忘的经历。
Chinese President Xi Jinping’s recent visit to South America was crowned with great success. In Peru, he inaugurated the Port ...
Under the theme "Connecting the World for a Shared Future," the five-day expo yielded more than 210 trade deals and tentative ...
这项研究发表在《The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition》上,分析了非处方和处方产前维生素,以评估它们的胆碱和碘含量——胎儿发育的关键营养素。研究人员还测试了有毒金属的存在,包括砷、铅和镉。
当人工智能(AI)在围棋、医学诊断、会计考试等领域不断超越人类时,你是否也曾疑惑:有朝一日,AI会否完全替代人类?答案并非简单的“是”或“否”。 As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to surpass ...