Five years ago, the COVID-19 pandemic served as a wake-up call. Since then, health experts worldwide have sat on tenterhooks, ...
Botanists have found a stand of rare trees in Tanzania’s Zanzibar archipelago not known to grow wild anywhere else in Africa.
An endangered bat species locally known as "Shekpi" was rescued & later released into its natural habitat in Manipur.
A majority of viruses that have caused recent epidemics with high lethality rates in people, are zoonoses originating from wildlife. Among them are filoviruses (e.g., Marburg, Ebola), coronaviruses (e ...
The Academy is pleased to announce the awardees of its 2025 Margaret Middleton Fund for endangered Australian native ...
这种适应性强的摄食行为有助于它们作为一个物种的成功和迷人的本质。 原产于南亚, 印度飞狐学名为 Pteropus giganteus 的蝙蝠是一种非凡的夜行性哺乳动物。凭借其惊人的翼展和以水果为食的习惯,该物种在维持其生态系统的平衡方面发挥着至关重要的作用。
蝙蝠的栖息地是多种多样的。比如斯里兰卡狐蝠(学名:Pteropus giganteus), 是一种大型果蝠,主要栖息在热带和亚热带森林中,尤其偏爱靠近水源的地区。它们通常成群栖息在高大的树木上,如榕树、芒果树等。也就是说,它们主要栖息地是树木,而不是洞穴。