BEIJING, Feb. 20 (Xinhua) -- Chinese consumers have benefited from the country's pro-consumption policies, which cover goods such as mobile phones, home appliances and automobiles, said the Ministry ...
“在应对禽流感带来的持续全球健康风险时,我们的首要任务仍然是保护加拿大人的健康。我们采取的预防性措施,包括采购疫苗剂量,体现了我们对公共卫生威胁做好准备的承诺。”加拿大卫生部长马克·霍兰(Mark Holland)在声明中表示。
With boosting domestic consumption high on China's policy agenda for 2025, the country's consumer goods trade-in initiative is set to play a crucial role in driving economic growth and offsetting the ...
• 埃隆·马斯克和政府效率部的天才团队表示,美国财政部每周向欺诈账户支付约10亿美元。美国总统特朗普对记者表示,这可能有助于削减美国数万亿美元国家债务问题,尽管马斯克所发现的数字,对国家债务的利息而言也只是杯水车薪。
HONG KONG, Feb. 16 (Xinhua) -- A crowd had gathered outside Ocean Park Hong Kong three hours before opening on Sunday to see the Hong Kong-born giant panda twins in the fluffy flesh, as they turned ...