Washington State is grappling with an ongoing drought that continues to affect local agriculture, particularly in areas like ...
The total live storage capacity of the 155 reservoirs monitored by the CWC stands at 180.852 billion cubic meters (BCM), which is approximately 70.15 per cent of the total estimated live storage ...
Washington State is grappling with an ongoing drought that continues to affect local agriculture, particularly in areas like ...
With the IMD predicting a harsh summer ahead, North and East India may experience water shortage. Water levels in the ...
Water planners in Northeast Texas oppose the reservoir, while those in North Texas say they need it to meet growing water ...
The Trump administration announced that it would invest $315.5 million for two reservoirs after freezing the funds last month ...
The total live storage capacity of the 155 reservoirs monitored by the CWC stands at 180.852 billion cubic meters (BCM), which is approximately 70.15 per cent of the total estimated live storage ...
India's major reservoirs at half capacity due to deficient rainfall, posing concerns for water supply in various regions.
The total live storage capacity of the 155 reservoirs monitored by the Central Water Commission (CWC) stands at 180.852 Billion Cubic Meters (BCM), which is approximately 70.15 per cent of the total ...
The third snow survey of the year reveals a snowpack in the Sierra Nevada that is below average, according to the State ...
The sluice gates of several major reservoirs and tanks have been opened following heavy rainfall in the Mahaweli B zone, ...
Huge Sites Reservoir project and plans to raise the dam at San Luis Reservoir are impacted, causing widespread confusion ...