With its incredibly wide four-slot layout, this horizontally-oriented RTX 4090 gaming GPU prototype has finally been shown ...
虽然在AMD内部来看,RX 8800 XT有着很高的定位,但其参数规格并不算高, 对标的是NVDIA那边RT 40系列的高端型号, 而明年CES 2025上NVDIA将会带来RTX ...
Zhangzhonghao believes that rasterization performance will equal Nvidia ’s RTX 4080 GPU, and that the 8800 XT will be more in ...
HP has kicked off its Black Friday Sale, which includes deals on their Omen and Victus gaming PCs. Save up to $1,000 off HP's flagship Omen 45L gaming PC, which is equipped with your choice of an RTX ...
最近有报道称,AMD计划在CES 2025上展示一系列产品,其中包括了RDNA 4架构GPU,在2025年1月至少会推出一款Radeon RX ...
We revisit the GeForce RTX 2060 and Nvidia's promise of ray tracing from its base GPU some 6 years ago. Did this $350 GPU ...
功耗计算器显示,RX 8800 XT整卡功耗为220W,这也是目前出现的唯一一款RDNA 4架构产品。这并非海韵首次出现这种情况,Radeon RX ...
虽然之前一直对RX 8000系追平NVIDIA不抱希望,媒体前前后后的报道以及AMD的表态也基本证实这一预感。不过,好在近期终于是有了一点好消息。根据国内论坛Chiphell知名用户“zhangzhonghao”的爆料,下一代A卡旗舰RX ...
同时,得益于新工艺制程的应用,Radeon RX 8800 XT在提供卓越光追性能的同时,其功耗相比RX 7900 XTX降低了25%。这一改进不仅提升了显卡的能效比,也降低了运行时的发热量和能耗,为玩家提供了更加稳定、高效的显卡体验。
Cyber Monday is nearing its end, and as we reach its final moments, you're beginning to run out of time to decide when to ...
据网友在ChipHell论坛上的爆料,AMD即将量产下一代游戏显卡RadeonRX8800XT。这款全新显卡将采用AMD最新研发的RDNA4图形架构,并拥有卓越的光线追踪性能。相比现有旗舰产品RX7900XTX,其光线追踪性能提升了45%。预计R ...
根据消息人士zhangzhonghao的爆料,AMD即将推出基于RDNA4架构设计的GPURX8800XT。这款显卡的性能已经接近RTX4080,但功耗更低。爆料显示,AMD计划在12月中旬开始批量生产这款显卡。虽然准备工作已经就绪,但仍存在一 ...