Each year in September and January, RAs will stop by with a Health and Safety form, which you and the RA will briefly fill out together. Items to check will include smoke detectors, electrical cords, ...
Checkmate is our safety check program. Checkmate is an automated telephone safety check system that calls you or sends text messages to you every hour when you are working alone after hours. Once you ...
Megan O'Hagan used the Safety Check to let friends and family know she was safe When news starts to break of an unfolding emergency it probably seems natural that most people want reassurance that ...
The head of the US aviation regulator has said "more boots on the ground" will be used to step up safety checks on Boeing planes. Federal Aviation Administrator Mike Whitaker told US lawmakers on ...
A bill forcing councils to tighten checks on drivers has received Royal ... The Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles (Safeguarding and Road Safety) Bill, also to be known as Sian's Law, was supported ...