Bu barədə AYNA-ya istinadən xəbər verilir. Bundan başqa, məlumata görə, 2024-cü ilin sentyabr ayından 2025-ci ilin 25 ...
Milli Hidrometeorologiya Xidmətidən verilən məlumata əsasən havanın minimal temperaturunun Aran rayonlarında 3-8, dağlıq ...
In accordance with President Ilham Aliyev's instructions and the First State Program on the Great Return to the liberated territories, another relocation to the Ballija village of the Khojaly district ...
“On January 29, elections were held for 685 municipalities across Azerbaijan, with 8,071 members to be elected across 118 of the country’s 125 constituencies. Throughout the day, voter turnout updates ...
""Closed Joint-Stock Company 'Azerbaijan Television and Radio Broadcasting'" ...
Əvvəlcə Azərbaycan Prezidenti mətbuata bəyanatla çıxış etdi. Prezident İlham Əliyevin bəyanatı -Hörmətli cənab Prezident, ...
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev inspected the conditions at the newly renovated “Vatan” Sports Lyceum, named after Tarlan Heybatov, in Baku. Emin Amrullayev, Minister of Science ...
As part of Baku Metro's development, 51 new stations and an additional 84.3 km of metro lines are planned for the future. According to the State Program for 2025-2030 on improving transport ...
The aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman was involved in a collision at sea with a merchant vessel near Port Said, Egypt, the US Navy said, AZTV.AZ via AP News. The collision occurred late Wednesday ...
The 2nd trilateral meeting of ministers from Azerbaijan, Türkiye, and Uzbekistan has kicked off in Ankara, AZTV.AZ, citing the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The meeting will be attended by the ...
В связи с частым закрытием воздушного пространства над Астраханью (Россия) ЗАО ...
Municipal elections are underway in Azerbaijan. President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev voted at polling station No. 1 located in secondary school No. 6 of Sabail constituency No. 7 in Baku.