Great Horned Owls bring a different energy to Alabama's nights, adapting equally well to the pine forests of the Appalachian ...
Musicians Northern Cardinals and Song Thrushes Among the earliest risers in North America, Northern Cardinals often begin ...
There's something oddly mesmerising about watching pigeons and doves in British gardens and woodlands go about their daily ...
Those 'little brown birds' darting around British gardens aren't as plain as they first appear. Watch any garden feeding ...
On any winter morning, a garden bird feeder becomes a masterclass in aerial acrobatics as the UK's tit family demonstrates ...
That flash of tropical green streaking across a London park isn't some escaped pet - it's almost certainly one of the ...
A social acrobat of African skies, this long-tailed fruit-eater can often be seen hanging upside down in small groups as it feasts on berries across the savannah. The Blue-naped Mousebird is a slender ...
A master diver that plunges into both freshwater and coastal habitats, this adaptable bird can be spotted on every continent except Antarctica. The Great Cormorant is a large waterbird with ...
This fierce raptor soars across Asian skies with a specialised knack for raiding bee and wasp nests, protected from stings by its unique scale-like feathers around the face. The Oriental Honey-buzzard ...
A honking force of nature, these large waterfowl are as much at home on suburban lawns as they are in wild wetlands. The Canada Goose is characterized by its large size, long neck, and distinctive ...
This tiny, active songbird flits through the coastal sage scrub of Southern California, using its long tail like a rudder as it hunts for insects among the branches. The California Gnatcatcher is a ...
Listen for the haunting, yodel-like call echoing across northern lakes - it's the unmistakable sound of a loon on the water. The Common Loon is a large waterbird with a distinctive breeding plumage of ...