俄罗斯熬出来了,和美国关系好了,那中国呢?按照他们在俄乌战争中“支持俄罗斯能牵制美国”的道理,俄罗斯马上熬出头了,美国就腾出手来专心对付中国了吧?中国就该倒霉了吧?那胡锡进们在欢呼什么呢?看来某些人对中国同胞只是虚情假意,对普京总统才是一片真心啊。再 ...
事实上,针对中学生的性侵害更像是海面之下庞大的冰山:如果你觉得性侵害与自己无关,那么或许是你足够幸运,没有遭遇过性侵害;或许是你身边的朋友没有表露过自己被侵害的经历;又或许是,你遭遇过自己至今仍未发觉或能够界定的侵害经历……今天,Z世代实验室重发本文 ...
鹅粉们一直迷之坚信,乌克兰是美国的傀儡,俄乌战争中,乌克兰打的是一场代理人战争。尽管放眼世界,这也是一种非主流的阴谋论;尽管战争爆发前,美国一再发出警告,某邻国即将入侵乌克兰,但是,中国的鹅粉们具有世界上最清奇的脑回路,他们不需要事实与逻辑,只要有幻想与仇恨,就足够支撑起他们对世界大事、大势的判断与爱憎。然而如今 ...
In late 2020, CDT acquired and verified a collection of propaganda directives issued by central Party authorities to state media at the beginning of that year. These directives were issued on an ...
Netizens first coined the term “Fifty Cent Party” to refer to undercover Internet commentators paid by the government to sway public opinion (“fifty cents” is a reference to the alleged ...
This Communist Party slogan was heavily used during the Cultural Revolution, an era in which citizens were incentivized to spy on and even falsely accuse family and neighbors of being disloyal to ...
Young, nationalistic netizen who attacks the social media accounts of people perceived to have slighted China, typically as part of a large "expedition" across the Great Firewall to Facebook.
Ermeiyaoxiaodao (@二枚腰小道): GFW (Great Firewall of China) has blocked all Google services, including Google Scholar, which is essential to research. If you think this is unacceptable, we ...
Chai Jing is the impassioned journalist known for her viral self-funded documentary on air pollution, "Under the Dome" (Qióngdǐng zhīxià 穹顶之下). Co-released online in February 2015 by ...