When Donna Morris looks at the Mi’kmaq petroglyphs at Kejimkujik National Park, she sees history. “There’s a picture of a caribou. There’s a picture of a little missionary man that goes back to the ...
Mi’kmaq artist Leonard Paul has been drawing since he was three years old. His earliest childhood memory is of his mother coming home with a colouring book for him. “I can remember being on the ...
Then NSNWA president Cheryl Maloney speaks during the welcoming ceremony of the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Inquiry's community hearings in Membertou, N.S. on Oct. 29, 2017/Photo ...
Katie Cottreau-Robins, left, and John Andrew Campbell, right, at Fort St. Louis/Photo by Stephen Brake A Halifax-based archaeologist is researching the trading relationship between the Mi’kmaq and the ...
Darlene Gilbert, right, testified as a survivor during Day 2 of MMIWG inquiry hearings in Membertou, N.S. on Tuesday/Photo by Stephen Brake More stories of pain, survival and seeking justice were ...
Sipekne'katik Chief Rufus Copage testified June 8, 2016 in fraud trial of Jeffrey Cecil Hayes/Photo by Stephen Brake The current chief of the Sipekne’katik Band confirmed he was part of the interview ...
Jasmine Labillois is one of two co-chairs of Mi'kmaq Maliseet Atlantic Youth Council/Photo by Stephen Brake Indigenous youth need to take their health seriously if they want to do well in their ...
Agnes Gould travelled to Caribou, Maine, this week to help organize a ceremony being held for her sister, Virginia Pictou/Photo by Stephen Brake Family and friends of Virginia Sue Pictou are gathering ...
Mi’kmaq Treaty Day celebrations being held later this week will mark the 30th anniversary of the landmark Supreme Court of Canada decision in the Simon hunting case and the beginning of the annual ...
The Treaty Truckhouse in Feb. 2017/Photo by Stephen Brake Opposition against the Alton Gas Natural Storage Project near Stewiake, N.S. continued into 2017. Alton Gas wants to create underground ...
Tribe of One’s Rik Leaf is looking forward to performing on stage in Halifax Wednesday as part of the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network’s seven-hour live show to celebrate National Aboriginal Day.
The former chief of the Sipekne’katik Band said he never led the band’s former finance director to believe he had more authority than band council to approve financial matters. Jerry F. Sack, 54, took ...