Spoiler Alert! If you haven’t read the December 1973 issue of Captain America And The Falcon (#168) yet, this article contains detailed information about the plot and storyline! Don’t come complaining ...
Hardcore Super Mario and MSX enthusiast Daemos, took 6 years of hard work and managed to port Super Mario World to the MSX.. The only pieces this port that are missing are the end credits and one boss ...
First person shooters are an interesting bunch. There are many of them and all too often they fall into a series of clichés and traps that often leave them feeling stuck in a rut. Then we have ...
There are a lot of dungeon crawlers out there, but one thing that they often have in common is that they’re enjoyable. THIS IS SO INACCURATE! If you were to be thrown into a dungeon and forced to ...
I am a big fan of the Friday the 13th films, as there is just something about them that makes them stand out among slasher films. Many have debated which is the best, but overall, the films were very ...
RPGs are one of the premiere genres of gaming, and many indie developers have tried their best to match the classics of the past. Many have come close, and some have created truly amazing experiences, ...
Step into Sotha Sil’s realm with the Clockwork City DLC game pack, coming this Fall as part of ESO Plus membership and available in the Crown Store. Find out everything you need to know about this new ...
QUByte Interactive, Brazilian Game Developer and Publisher, is promoting its very first digital event, QUByte Connect 2020, to share new information on many of their current projects and upcoming ...
After all the negativity around gaming, and the tragedy today, a story like this brings a smile to our faces and reassures us that there are good people in the community.
From E3 to Anime Expo to Gamescom and to our most recent convention, PAX West, we’ve spent the whole summer taking the demo for Trails of Cold Steel III all over the world and sharing it with fans and ...
Adult Swim Games is proud to partner with Andrew Morrish on Kingsway, a fantasy RPG where actions are performed by managing a multitude of windows in a computer operating system. In Kingsway, ...