Big news seems to surround Cole these days and the latest headline is that she has been selected to be a co-skipper aboard ...
The decision to take on extra crew for a longer passage is tempting, particularly for a couple, since a third or fourth hand ...
Almost 40 years ago, US Sailing adopted the role as lead provider of Safety at Sea Seminars, which have long been considered ...
But wait, here’s one more beautiful photo of the mooring field at Warderick Wells Land and Sea Park. It was taken by my son, ...
One of the stars of the Dusseldorf boat show in January was the Heyman 42 PPH (pocket pilothouse). A semi-custom pilothouse ...
The 54 which is being introduced for 2025 is no exception. The hull huge with very full sections forward and the maximum beam ...
Many thanks to the many readers who sent in comments regarding the story in last week’s Just Cruising column ... The venerable French production builder of modern cruising monohulls developes designs ...
Before reading on, please take a moment to fill out this week’s survey so we can share your knowledge and experiences with the Cruising Compass family. Thanks ...
Before reading on, please take a moment to fill out this week’s survey so we can share your knowledge and experiences with the Cruising Compass family. Thanks. ... The best emergency flares are ...
From there they were heading east to the Torres Straits and then the East Coast of Australia and the Great Barrier Reef. This eastward route is fairly uncommon since most cruisers tend to use the ...
Here’s another story that highlights the dedication and professionalism of the U.S. Coast Guard and the importance for all sailors to make sure their emergency signaling devices are properly ...